

SOC Managed Services for Managed Service Providers Like You


The danger of cyber threats to businesses and individuals alike is growing by the day. As technology becomes more intricate and advanced, so too do the many ways hackers and other malicious actors are able to infiltrate the private digital spaces that we use in our day-to-day lives and operations. That’s just the unfortunate truth we have to live with. But what’s also true is that cybersecurity solutions too are getting better and better at defending IT infrastructure. This means that as long as you have some sort of cybersecurity set-up—whether that be a comprehensive XDR suite or a SOC managed services—you can rest assured that your digital space is as safe as possible.


A world without cybersecurity is unimaginable in today’s day and age, and thankfully it’s not one that we have to live in. There are countless cybersecurity options available for businesses and individuals looking to keep their information safe in online spaces, and if you’re a managed service provider (MSP) who works closely with small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), then you already know just how important these cyber-attack countermeasures can be. That’s why, if you’re looking for a way to better your current MSP offerings or are looking to offer cybersecurity for the first time, your best bet is to hand that responsibility over to our SOC managed services here at Blueshift Cybersecurity.


Blueshift Cybersecurity was founded on one mission: to help businesses and MSPs alike have access to industry-leading cybersecurity technologies that are paralleled only by our comprehensive managed security operations and SOC managed services. Our unique, expertly designed suite of cybersecurity solutions will ensure that your SMB clients are well protected from an immense range of cyber threats and attacks. And as your SMBs’ trusted advisors, this is an absolutely critical service that you could be able to offer as part of your pre-existing managed IT services. Plus, when you choose Blueshift Cybersecurity, adding more to your list of services will never have been so easy or stress-free.


But why go out of your way to expand your current MSP services if you’re content where you’re at? Well, we think there are a lot of reasons why, and we’re going to use this blog to tell you all about it. However, first, we’d like to briefly go over exactly what cyber threats your SMB clients could be up against.


Threats Your SMB Clients May Face


Cyber threats are lying in wait around every digital corner, and though that may feel like an exaggeration, it’s true more often than not. Whether your SMB client is an active target for directed cyber attacks or just accidentally stumbled upon an infectious malware or ransomware, their safety is of the utmost importance. 


The most common threats that small and medium-sized businesses are as follows:




Malware is one of the most common forms of cyber threat to target SMBs. Malware is, basically, a malicious code used by bad actors to infiltrate an SMBs IT infrastructure in order to monitor, steal, and destroy the data flowing through their network. You may have more frequently heard malware referred to as “viruses” or “trojans.”


Though simple, malware attacks can massively disrupt an SMB’s operations. Some malware can render certain equipment useless, some can cost large sums of money to disinfect and repair, and some can even put your customers and fellow employees at risk. As such, SOC-managed services that can detect, respond to, and eliminate malware attacks are essential.




Ransomware is another equally-as-prevalent form of cyber attack that SMBs have the unfortunate luck of experiencing. Much like malware, ransomware is also a string of malicious code that is used by hackers to slip into an SMB’s IT infrastructure. However, instead of simply monitoring, stealing, or destroying the data within, ransomware locks the data behind an encryption so that it can’t be interacted with whatsoever. 


The hackers then force the SMB in question to pay a hefty ransom in order to unlock their data. As you can imagine, either option can be devastating for the business, whether they don’t pay and lose all of their important data or they do pay and are left in financial ruin.




Phishing is by far the most common form of cyber attack that plagues small and medium-sized businesses. Phishing refers to a variety of cyber attack styles wherein a bad actor attempts to gain access to sensitive information within an SMB’s IT infrastructure via malicious links and files sent over text or email. It also includes simply tricking an SMB’s employees into willingly giving up that information or fooling them into submitting payments to the hacker disguised as an executive or manager. 


This, like the other cyber threats already listed, can severely harm an SMB. However, it is even more difficult to prevent than the others because there is a human element to the scam that can’t always be accounted for.


Internal Threats


Though the majority of cyber threats come from external sources, it is not all too uncommon for there to be threats levied from inside small and medium-sized businesses as well. Current or former employees, as well as business partners, may tamper with internal workflows to their own benefit or even hold critical data hostage as black. The unfortunate reality of internal cyber threats is that they are as varied as the employees committing them.


Whether it’s a disgruntled employee or one simply looking to make some extra profit, SOC managed services are also able to detect and respond to unusual behavior within an IT infrastructure that points to internal tampering.


Weak and/or Unprotected Passwords


Finally, one of the most basic cyber threats an SMB can face is simply using weakly created passwords or improperly storing them. Weak passwords are those that are too short, uncomplicated, or easily guessed, and creating unique, hard-to-break passwords can be more difficult than you might imagine. However, no matter the strength of your SMB’s various passwords, if they aren’t well protected, it won’t matter how good they are. This means managing and safely storing passwords is a crucial cyberattack countermeasure that our Blueshift SOC-managed services can help with


What SOC Managed Services Can Provide


With the kind of cyber attacks we mentioned above always being a possible threat for your SMB clients, it should only follow that quality cybersecurity, such as our SOC managed services, is a necessity. But what are SOC managed services? We’re glad you asked.


A Security Operations Center (SOC) is a team of highly-trained cybersecurity experts who work to hunt for cyber attacks threatening an SMB, conduct forensic investigations of cyber attacks, and offer effective recommendations to remediate any weak points in a given IT infrastructure’s cyber defenses. The SOC is able to do this using the information provided by an XDR suite—which you can learn more about here.


The Benefits of SOC Managed Services With Blueshift


As you can likely assume by what SOC managed services work to achieve, you’ll find countless benefits for both your MSP business and your SMB clients.


For SMBs


Your clients should always come first. As such, offering them the most benefits possible is a surefire way to keep them satisfied. Our SOC managed services are just a few of the solutions we can offer here at Blueshift Cybersecurity that will offer your SMB clients peace of mind. A few of those benefits include:


Automated Threat Detection and Response


As we previously stated, cyber threats are waiting all around, ready to act the second an opening is left for them to break into. The automated threat detection and response solutions that our SOC managed services incorporate into their cybersecurity strategies are immensely fast and effective. 


Through a technologically-amazing automated cybersecurity system, data breaches from all areas of your SMB client’s IT infrastructure (both attempted and successful) can be detected at a moment’s notice and responded to just as quickly. Once that information has been delivered to our SOC-managed services, our team will get to work doing what they do best.


Better Network Visibility


Just like that automated system allows us to detect and respond to cyber threats, it also provides valuable insight and visibility across all facets of an SMBs network, allowing our team to find and patch loopholes and other weak points in the infrastructure that malicious actors could attempt to exploit.


Not only does this increased level of visibility also allows us to patch current cybersecurity issues within your SMB client’s network, but it also allows our team to proactively work on solutions to future cyber threats, which we’re going to talk about in the next point.


Proactive Data Protection


SMBs’ data is essential to their day-to-day operations, which means resolving the damage done from a cyber attack after the fact will still leave them with unwanted, success-threatening downtime. That’s why our SOC-managed services offer proactive data protection to ensure that any cyber attacks threatening your SMB clients are warded off before they can even try to breach the IT network.


For MSPs


As we said, the clients come first—but that doesn’t mean your MSP shouldn’t also benefit from taking on our SOC managed services. Though the cybersecurity itself will be of benefit for your clients (unless your MSP is also in need of their own cybersecurity defenses), the ease at which we make our services available through your MSP will make you wish you had given us a call sooner!


Simple Integration


First and foremost, integrating our Blueshift SOC managed services into your current MSP offerings (and the security system of your SMB clients) is stunningly simple. Our unique Blueshift Cybersecurity tools and programs are able to seamlessly integrate with a wide variety of cybersecurity programs and tools used in countless computer operating systems and IT infrastructures. 


From your standard Windows Defender and Google Cloud services to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Office 365 productivity platforms, our SOC managed services can work hand-in-hand with practically all of them.


Easy Regulation Compliance


Other than the complexity of cybersecurity itself, one of the largest factors MSPs find dissuading about offering SOC managed services is the adherence to an ever-changing landscape of compliance regulations. From General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) regulations to the more widely known Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, the amount of nuance involved in properly complying with each one in the right form can feel overwhelming. 


That’s why we’re dedicated to making cybersecurity regulation compliance simple by reducing the complexity of the process and, therefore, taking as much stress off of your MSP’s shoulders as possible.


Cost-Effective Service


If everything above hasn’t fully convinced you why your MSP could thrive with the help of our SOC-managed services, then this benefit surely ought to do the trick. Cybersecurity is a non-negotiable necessity in today’s technologically advanced world that we find ourselves living in. Without it, no business would stand a chance against the intrusion of hackers and other malicious actors. That’s why we’ve tailored our SOC-managed services to be as cost-effective and competitively priced as possible.


As your third-party cybersecurity team, we can handle everything related to cybersecurity within your client’s IT infrastructure, meaning your MSP can remain relatively hands-off while we work, allowing you to continue doing the work that you’re proud to do. That also means you won’t have to worry about extra physical cybersecurity tech purchases and installations since we already bring everything to the table for you.


Choose Blueshift’s SOC Managed Services Today


It bears on final repeating: the cyber threats waiting for your SMB clients to slip up never rest—as such, neither should the cyber defenses that your SMB clients stand confident behind. Our SOC managed services operate 24/7 to ensure the utmost level of protection and are spearheaded by our US-based SOC team, who are ready to defend your client’s data at a moment’s notice.


So, if you’re looking to revolutionize the way you provide your MSP services, your safest bet for success is sticking with our industry-leading cybersecurity tools and teams here at Blueshift Cybersecurity. Don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us today to explore what our SOC-managed services can do for you!